Saturday, January 2, 2010

Välkommen (an ode to the Swedes).

Once upon a time, there were two best friends called Katie and Alexa. One day, college started. The thing about college is, it takes away all your money, but Katie and Alexa were determined to remain classy in even the most frugal of times. This is their tale of the coexistence of college life and classiness (a rare find).

You may be confused looking at their profile pictures, but let it be clear that Alexa and Katie are not, in fact, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen (despite what may have been said on various spring break trips). Allow them to introduce each other...

This is Alexa. She is well known among the upper classes of society for her impeccable knowledge of movie quotes and her ability to speak in Shakespearean English (bestill your heart!) She is a freshman at THE Ohio State University and is well on her way to exhausting all her elective hours on unnecessary pop culture classes. Her hobbies include being obsessed with Sweden...for no apparent reason...finding sweet bands BEFORE they're popular (Kings of Leon), getting extremely mad when they become popular, perusing the North Market for delicious Belgian waffles, and shopping to the extent that she is familiar with all retail workers in the central Ohio region.

This is Katie, Katherine as she is known by the elite. She doesn't actually attend Oxford, but a girl can dream. A freshman at University of Dayton (shhh...), Katherine enjoys fine literature, fine dining, and cheap clothing. Her hobbies include reading magazines cover to cover (no, really), all things French, especially Marie Antoinette, the culinary arts, making the best smoothies known to the human race, and meeting potential new friends, being too sarcastic, and consequently, not making any new friends. Yes, you could call her a culture connoisseur. Consider her blog posts a blessing to the less culture-intuitive.

Sidenote-we're not this weird all the time, don't worry.

Please come back :]

Alexa's disclaimer about obsession with Sweden: First of all, Sweden is awesome. I'm not sure why, but I love it. I wish to learn Swedish during one of sparse quarters it is offered at Ohio State, and then travel abroad to the mystical land of extreme design sophistication and FUN.